Tuesday, May 23, 2006

contradictions and a few problems

Let me post what I see as contradictions among the Mormon scripture and teachings by LDS.

Let's start with God or gods.
Mormon Doctrine Teaches: There is more than one God.
Mormon Doctrine pg 576-577
Teachings pg 370.

Mormon scripture says there is only one God.
Doctrine and Covenants 20:19,28
Alma 11:21-41
2 Nephi 31:21
3 Nephi 31:21
Final line of the testmony of three witness in Book of Mormon.
A of F.1

Bible teaches there is only one God.
Deuteronomy 4:35,39 6:4
Exodus 34:14
Isaiah 42:8 43:10-11 44:6,8 45:14,18,21,22,23 46:5,9 48:11,12
John 10:30
1 John 5:7,
James 2:19

But then Mormon scripture teaches there is more than one God.
Moses chapers 2-4
Only one God versus Abraham chapters 4-5 (the gods)
Moses 1:3 teaches God is without beginning of days so how could he have once been a man.
Moses 1:6 says God knows of no other gods besides Him and that He is all knowing. So if He knows of no other god(s) besides him, how can He say in Abraham, I sat in the councel of the gods. The Bible teaches God cannot lie in:
Hebrews 6:16,
Titus 1:2

Then Mormon scripture teaches God cannot lie in:
Enos 6,
Ether 3:12
D and C 62:6

Mormon Doctrine teaches that God was once a man:
Teachings pg 345-346.

Mormon scripture teaches that God has always been God in:
Mormon 9:9-11,19
Moroni 7:22

The Bible teaches that God was not a man:
Psalm 50:21
Numbers 23:19
Romans 1:22-23

Mormon Doctrine teaches that God is progressive:
Teachings pg, 347-348,373
A of F. PG 430.

Mormon scripture teaches that God is unchanging:
Moroni 8:18
2 Nephi 27:23
D and C 20:12,17.

The Bible teaches God is unchanging:
Isaiah 43:10-11
John 1:1,14
Malachi 3:6
Hebrews 1:12 and 13:8

Mormon Doctrine teaches that God has a body of flesh and bones:
D and C 130:22
A of F. pg 43

Mormon scripture teaches that God is a spirit:
Alma 18:26-28 and 22:9-11.

The Bible teaches that God is a Spirit:
John 4:24
Luke 24:39
Jeremiah 23:24
Psalms 139:7-10

Mormon Doctrine teaches that God cannot create man; his spirit has always existed:
Teachings PG 354
D and C 93:29
Abraham 3:22

Mormon Scripture teaches that God made man after his own image:
Moses 2:26

The Bible teaches that God created man and he became a living soul:
Genesis 2:7
Colossians 1:16-17
John 1:3-4
Romans 11:34-36

The Bible is very clear: God is and always was God; He was never a man. Please explain just what the word eternal means. According to the dictionary, it means eternal or forever. The Bible is clear - God is eternal. Even the 1st A of F teaches that God is eternal.

Mormon Doctrine teaches that Jesus and Lucifer are spirit brothers.
Gospel Through the Ages, pg. 15.
Mormon Doctrine, pgs. 192,590.

Mormon Scripture teaches that Jesus is God:
Mosiah 7:27
D and C 38:1-3

The Bible teaches that Jesus is God:
Psalms 33:6
John 1:1--14:9
Hebrews 11:3
1 Timothy 3:16
1 John 5:20
Revelation 19:13.
I believe as the Bible teaches, Jesus Christ is God, not a God.

Mormon Doctrine teaches that the president of the LDS Church holds the keys of salvation for all men now living:
Mormon Doctrine, pg. 411
D and C 84:21,35.

Mormon scripture teaches that there is no other name or means whereby salvation can come but by Christ:
MOSIAH 3:17-18
2 NEPHI 31:21.

The Bible teaches that men can call on no name but Jesus to save them:
JOHN 1:12 5:24
ACTS 4:12 16:30-34
ROMANS 1:16-17
TITUS 3:4-7
1 JOHN 5:9-11

Mormon Doctrine teaches that baptism for the dead is necessary for salvation:
Teachings pg 193
A of F. PG 152
D and C 128:15

Mormon scripture teaches that there is no chance for salvation after death:
ALMA 34:33-35

The Bible teaches that there are no second chances for salvation after death:
Psalms 49:7-8
Proverbs 11:7
Ecclesiastes 9:10
Luke 16:26-31
Hebrews 9:27.

Remember, as I pointed out already, Bruce Mc Conkie said that anything less than exaltion is damnation. This goes against the Bible and the verses I gave. I own all sources I quote from. Let me recap my beliefs here. I believe God was always God, and there is and forever will be only one God. I believe in the trinity. I believe salvation comes to all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. I look forward to your thoughts on what has been written here. Rick B.

"Some quietly listen to those who speak against the Lord's servants, against his annointed, against the plurality of wives, and against almost every principle that God has revealed. Such persons have a half dozen devils with them all the time. YOU MIGHT AS WELL DENY "MORMONISM," AND TURN AWAY FROM IT, AS TO OPPOSE THE PLURALITY OF WIVES. Let the presidency of this church, and the twelve apostles, and all the authorities unite and say with one voice that they will oppose that doctrine, and the whole of them would be damned." (Journal of Discourses, vol. 5, p. 203)

Let us add to D and C 132, verses 1 and 2; I will start on 3. "Therefore, prepare thy heart to receive and obey the instructions which I am about to give unto you; for all those who have this law revealed unto them must obey the same. 4. For behold, I reveal unto you a new and everlasting covenant, then are ye damned; for no one can reject this covenant and be permitted to enter into my glory. I would like to point out some things here. First off, in D and C 1:14 it says we must obey the Lord, the apostles, and the prophets or we will be cut off.

Who gave this new and everlasting covenent? The Lord did. Since when does everlasting mean only 60 plus years? The Lord said, "For all who have this law revealed unto them MUST obey it." Well, if you read D and C or just read what I wrote, you fall under all who have it revealed unto them. now you must obey it. Not only are Mormons not following D and C 1:14, but the concept of on-going revelation now shows its flaws. Ezra Taft Benson taught that the prophet does not need to say, "Thus saith the Lord" to give us scripture. The Lord was clear when he gave us that scripture, but the council backed it up as I stated above.

Then, Ezra Taft Benson also taught that the prophet cannot lead the church astray. so which prophet is leading us astray? The prophets of old followed and taught it, but now it is denied. Hebrews 6:16 say that it is impossible for God to lie, as well as Titus 1:2, Enos 6, Ether 3:12, and D and C 62:6. All of these teach that God cannot lie. So, did God lie? He states that it is a new and everlasting covenent. Again, since when is everlasting only 60 plus years? If God did not lie, then who did? Mormons teach that the plural wife teaching was for a select few men; God said it was for all that it was revealed unto. If you heard it, it was revealed unto you, why are you not obeying it?

Now, let's look to the Book of Mormon. In Jacob 1:15-19 and 2:21-25, it teaches that David and Solomon did evil by having many wives. Then, in Mosiah 11:2, it teaches many wives is a sin. Now, here is a contradiction because in D and C 132:37-39, it says it was not a sin for David, Solomon and others to have many wives. Now, I thought God could not lie? But God's word is both in the B.O.M and D and C, so either man wrote it and messed up or God lied. This is just my thoughts looking at the Mormon scriptures. Rick B.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.