Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Lost Book of Abraham (Full Video)

Lots of good info here.

1 comment:

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

An interesting video, Rick. I scanned it. I found this website.


This website is devoted to the idea that the "Book of Abraham," recognized as holy scripture by the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints (the Mormons), is not what it purports to be. A compelling body of evidence suggests that Joseph Smith fabricated this book of scripture while holding out to the world that he could translate ancient Eqyptian. Using the pretext of "translating" the Book of Abraham text from old Egyptian papyrus fragments, Smith introduced bold, new theological elements to the Mormon religion. The papyrus fragments Smith used to create his "translation" appear to be nothing more than common Egyptian funeral documents. To further complicate matters, these papyri have been shown to date to the time of Christ, not to the time of Abraham as claimed by Smith. The papyrus fragments used by Smith were once thought to be lost, however, they have been recovered and translated by modern Egyptologists. The results show that Smith had absolutely no knowledge of ancient Egyptian. In short, Smith pulled a fast one in order to further his dreams of creating a theocratic empire.