Saturday, August 12, 2006

The missing parts of the Bible?

We read in the verse's below from the Book Of Nephi, which is found in the Book of Mormon. It says many plain and precious things have been removed from the bible.

1 Ne. 13: 28-29, 35, 40
28 Wherefore, thou seest that after the book hath gone forth through the hands of the great and abominable church, that there are many plain and precious things taken away from the book, which is the book of the Lamb of God.

29 And after these plain and precious things were taken away it goeth forth unto all the nations of the Gentiles; and after it goeth forth unto all the nations of the Gentiles, yea, even across the many waters which thou hast seen with the Gentiles which have gone forth out of captivity, thou seest—because of the many plain and precious things which have been taken out of the book, which were plain unto the understanding of the children of men, according to the plainness which is in the Lamb of God—because of these things which are taken away out of the gospel of the Lamb, an exceedingly great many do stumble, yea, insomuch that Satan hath great power over them.
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35 For, behold, saith the Lamb: I will manifest myself unto thy seed, that they shall write many things which I shall minister unto them, which shall be plain and precious; and after thy seed shall be destroyed, and dwindle in unbelief, and also the seed of thy brethren, behold, these things shall be hid up, to come forth unto the Gentiles, by the gift and power of the Lamb.
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40 And the angel spake unto me, saying: These last records, which thou hast seen among the Gentiles, shall establish the truth of the first, which are of the twelve apostles of the Lamb, and shall make known the plain and precious things which have been taken away from them; and shall make known to all kindreds, tongues, and people, that the Lamb of God is the Son of the Eternal Father, and the Savior of the world; and that all men must come unto him, or they cannot be saved.

Can the LDS tell me what exactly is missing, or what are the plain and precious things that are missing. I would add also, if you cannot tell me what is missing, then how exactly do you know that what claims to be missing is plain and precious?

Lets add also, why would God allow something to turn up missing or to be removed or lost, or why would he allow His Word to be corrputed in light of Psalms 138:2 God puts His Word avobe His Name

Also I would ask, If you know what is missing, How come the Prophet has not restored it, and If the BoM is the restored Gospel, how come that the missing things are not also restored in the Gospel? Just some questions to think about. Rick b


Unknown said...

If there are parts missing, does that mean its all bad stuff?
And now that its being speculated that there is text missing, can some-one let us know what those texts contain? I'm really curious

Moni said...

The parts that are missing are in the hands of the Cathlic Church in Rome, they are hidden under the church in a basement, and are very well guarded. No one knows whats in the books for they were never seen buy the "wrong" eyes. What is in these books? Im guessing that the things are not bad, they are things that make things make more sence and things that people in power in the cathloc church do not want us to know, at least yet. God made the bible for his followers, these books are important, especially if they are hid, God will some day, show us what they havnt.