Monday, October 08, 2007

LDS Church teaches, Please do not think, let us do it for you. PT 3

Author said:
Think of how you feel when you read the Book of Mormon, pray, or bear your testimony. How do those feelings compare with the feelings that come from reading anti-Mormon literature? Which is guiding you to the truth?

The Problem with this is, the Bible tells us in, Jer 17:9 The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it?

So if our hearts can lead us astray, why do we want to base Truth upon feelings? Then the Bible teaches us to Search the Scriptures, Acts 17:11, We never read any place in the Bible to base truth upon Feelings, we are told to seek and search.

Then the author says:

We’re not against honest inquiry in the Church. We welcome it. The Apostle Paul said, “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). The Prophet Joseph Smith said, “One of the grand fundamental principles of ‘Mormonism’ is to receive truth, let it come from whence it may” (History of the Church, 5:499). As we search for truth in Church teachings and history, we should remember that it is faith in Christ that helps us to “lay hold upon every good thing” (see Moroni 7:15–25). And we should keep everything in its proper perspective and context. President Gordon B. Hinckley has said:

I really doubt what he just said, It seems they do hate honest Inquiry, They frowen upon the LDS people reading or looking at So Called "Anti-Mormon" anything, If it is all one sided how can you be honest?

Then the Author says

“We seem to have a host of critics. Some appear intent on trying to destroy us. They mock that which is sacred. They belittle that which we call divine. Some have said that we are trapped by our history, others have worked with great diligence seeking flaws in our early leaders. …

It is possible some LDS critics are mocking and trying to destroy the Church, but that is not the case with every one, The Bible Teaches their is a real Hell and Eternal damnation, and if we say, well I might offended a Person for saying I believe that they are wrong, and then say nothing, their Blood will be on my hands. We read many Accounts in the Bible of false Prophets and teachers leading others to their death, We really need to stand up and search out the truth and share it.

The Author says:

“My plea is that as we continue our search for truth, particularly we of the Church, that we look for strength and goodness rather than weakness and foibles in those who did so great a work in their time. …

If his plea really is that they are searching for the Truth, then he should be open to look at both Sides, other wise it looks as if he really is not looking for truth.

The Author said:

“… I hope that we will cultivate an attitude of looking for positive elements which lead to growth and enthusiasm. We are not trapped by our history. That history contains the foundation of this work. …

The History can and will expouse the Truth.

The Author said:

“I do not fear truth. I welcome it. But I wish all of my facts to be in their proper context” (“The Continuing Pursuit of Truth,” Ensign, Apr. 1986, 4–6).

If he really seeks the truth, then he would openly look at the evidence given, I said before, I post scanned copies with added context or pull out the books if I am speaking face to face with someone, But many times Mormons tell me when I show them flaws in and from their own books, that since I am a so called Anti Mormon, their not allowed to view them. This is the teaching they get from the People who write this Article, this tells me the Author is lying and really does not seek the truth.

The Author said:

“The present effort of trying to find some other explanation for the organization of the Church, for the origin of the Book of Mormon, and for the priesthood with its keys and powers will be similar to other anti-Mormon fads which have come and blossomed and faded. Truth will prevail. A knowledge of that truth comes by effort and study, yes. But it comes primarily as a gift from God to those who seek in faith.”
President Gordon B. Hinckley, “Lord, Increase Our Faith,” Ensign, Nov. 1987, 52–53.

He is Correct, truth will prevail, but He says, A knowledge of that truth comes by effort and study But yet he says, do not read Anti mormon Books, the majority of Anti Mormon Quotes come from the LDS sources, so unless Mormonism is really Anti Mormon, they should look at the quotes, otherwise, are they really looking for truth?

The Author said:

Reading anti-Mormon literature could deceive your friend, even if he or she has a strong testimony. The best way to know how to respond to opposing views is to study the Book of Mormon. I know it is the word of God, and after all, it was written for our day! With the Holy Ghost to guide us as we read the Book of Mormon and other scriptures, we can learn to recognize deception and can have the Spirit to guide us when we may need to respond.
Alicia M., 18, Utah

Like I said, this person contradicts himself, first he says, do not read Anti Mormon Books, but the says, search the truth out. You cannot search for truth if you only look at one side of the story. And if the BoM is false, then it cannot help you.

The Author says:

Just tell your friend the truth, that you find that literature disturbing. If he or she is a true friend, he or she will have no problem with it. Stick with your feeling of not wanting to read it. If you do read it, it could open up a window of doubt. There are plenty of books (like True to the Faith) that have been written through inspiration. Pick up one of those so that you may know how to respond to questions.
Brian P., 16, Arizona

How can you tell your friend "The Truth" and say, the Anti-Mormon Book bothers you, if you never read it. That is being Dishonest to say, it is lies and flawed if you do not know what is in it. I hear LDS saying, I cannot claim the BoM is false if I never read it. I agree, so I read it.

The Author said:

On my mission I have come across a lot of anti-Mormon literature. It is disturbing. I have seen honest seekers of truth fall away because of it. If you want to learn how to answer people’s concerns, do two things: gain a strong testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, and know the doctrine by studying the scriptures. Then, when others come to you with concerns, you will have the power of the Holy Ghost to testify to you and to them of the truth.
Sister Holly Erikson, 23, Tennessee Nashville Mission

All I can say is, if he feels Anti Mormon Books are Disturbing, please write me and tell what what exactly is wrong, we can talk.

The Author said:

Anti-Mormon literature will be filled with scriptures or quotes that are taken out of context and twisted to serve the author’s purpose of filling people’s minds with doubt about the Church. The fact that you get an uneasy feeling when you read anti-Mormon literature should be proof enough. The best thing you can do to be prepared for questions is to be faithful and read the Book of Mormon daily. Also, most people who will ask you questions that come from the anti-Mormon literature are not interested in finding the gospel. They want you to argue with them so they can twist your words (see Alma 11).
Jenika W., 19, Washington

I add more for context and Buy LDS books because I am a seeker of the truth, so this guy is clueless to say such things.

The Author said:

One day I was talking to a friend, who is not a member of our church, and we almost got to the point where we started putting each other’s churches down, but I didn’t want it to get to that point, so I just bore my testimony and stopped. A few weeks later I got some pamphlets and magazines in the mail from her. I could have kept them so that I would know what some writers think about our church, but I didn’t. This experience made me want to be more prepared when things like this happen.
Alexandria M., 15, Oregon

You bear your testimony, I bear mine, they cancel each other out, Big Deal. I prayed, you prayed, we both claim God told us we were right and the other was wrong, this is not evidence. The Bible says, search the Scriptures, as a matter of fact, the BoM says, search the scriptures also, read, Alma 14:1,17:2,33:2

The author said:

What you read or watch has an effect on you. Part of the 13th article of faith says that “if there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.” I do not think reading anti-Mormon literature fits in the above statement. Plus you find the literature disturbing. That may be the Spirit sending you a message to stay away from this literature.
Martyn T., 22, Wakiso, Uganda

The A of F sounds good, but what if the BoM is wrong and false, do you really want to gamble on eternal Hell simply because you refused to look at both sides? If you refuse and are wrong, then you have no one to blame but yourself, and you will regret it for all of eterinty.

The Author said:

There is far greater benefit from searching the inspired words of prophets and apostles of the Lord, in the scriptures and Church magazines. That is when we receive the Spirit’s direction, not when we are immersed in the adversary’s filth.
Elder Calvin Oberly Jr., 24, New York New York South Mission

Their is no real benfit from Listing to false Prophets and teachers, Add to that, when ever the LDS Prophets or so called Apostles cannot agree with each other and I point this stuff out to the LDS member, I always hear this, It was their mere Opinion, they were not speaking for the Lord, or Unless it is one of the 4 standerd works, it is not Offical Church Doctrine. So what benfit can I gain if you guys cannot agree? As a matter of fact I even did a topic about that, here.
Rick b

1 comment:

handmaiden said...

Good work. The LDS don't like to open their eyes too wide. Fear and control keeps them at bay to know the truth.